Charpente générale théorique et pratique, par B. Cabanié
Google still sucks at translating French to English
To build the house (second board), we begin by making the blueprint ABC DE F on a hori-
zontal, is also on the middle line B CD raising farm B CD on a vertical plane. It is
seem an assembly line on the PGM parallel lattice girder, so that the line passes
in the interior of the fault. Then you draw the contour line of the fault, which serves at the same time line
of the trave entered. At the same time we face the braces, cons-sheets, etc.., As seen in
This being done, we put the wood line, so that the top of the rafters falls perfectly
line lattice of failures (failures expected to gather in the rafters) if it were otherwise
ment, it would top the rafters as failures. It will appear on the rafters lines
GP, GM, and traits ramènerets rafters that both the punch.
To the elevation of the ridge is raised from the center line C CC "perpendicular to CF, it takes
the height of center C CC farm, which gate of the same point C, C ', the assembly line G in G', the
related ramèneret R R ', the tie T T', as well as about the braces, and it ends by joining the elevation
FC ", HQ ', etc.. After that, the punch is brought online, so that the above which was plucked in
the firm is looking to lead the assembly. We will be careful that the line ramèneret, appeared on the
punch, well on the line ramèneret R ', and the assembly line of side boards on CC ". then brought
the rafter on-line and is released above the assembly line Q G ', and the line S. ramèneret We
ends by setting line cabinet, the tie-sheet and cons.
For the hip, one student from the same center C on the hip AC, a normal CC ", we put on this per-
perpendicular heights of all the farm, such as C C "G G" R R "T T", etc.., and we end
elevation as shown in the figure. We will not forget to publish a feature on hip ramèneret,
to serve as later return line harrow. After that the punch line is, and this is achieved
by placing the defeathering on its level and making lead line appeared on the level L: Of course,
the assembly line from the cross of two assembly lines appearing on each end of the punch;
then it is placed on-line so that the spider falls on the line CC 'and the line on ramèneret R ";
and spilled, with the level of defeathering, the E square to the hip plan, published on the level
and looking to lead the punch head.
For the hip, the line is in the middle, we put the level and slope, it is ensured that the top
falls exactly on the line AC "; Rembarre on both ends of the line cross OG", which will
to put on line by establishing failures in harrow. We published the related ramèneret, is subsequently
the tie, Dresser and cons plug. We can establish both hips on the same blueprint, or we will make a
Such elevation of the other hip.
To the splitting rump layer on the assembly line QG 'QG in "the center of the fault S S'
and we join G 0 "N G" and the failure S '0 N parallel to, and we end by publishing features ramènerets.
To the level for highlighting and dump the hips, we do plan on hip square in a line
any point X YZ Y point is raised, on the slope of the hip AC ", a perpendicular Y Y '
flap that Y "is attached XY ', which line the hip to the rump, and Y" Z, the hip line for the long-
Pan: a line on each square pours or establishes the main beam, while putting the side where the
is the feathered head and looking at the hip. We will not forget in lignant the hip, to délarder
at the same time: to establish, we will cross the line on the line on the line ramèneret ramèneret,
Online and E, appeared on the level, plumb and looking head.
For the failure, it is lignera as it is depicted on the hip rafter.
Harrow for rafters, we operate like a harrow with cruciform, only one will be guided
rafter lath instead of the seam failure.
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