Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New and Improved Roof Framing Kernel Geometry

New and improved roof framing kernel geometry base on drawings from the book Problems of  the Art of Carpentry by JD Boucher (1890) with the purlin miter and purlin lip cut angle added to the roof framing kernel. Emile DELATAILLE  and Cabanie were students of the french compagnon teacher J.D. Boucher.

CABANIÉ, charpentier, professeur de trait à Paris : Charpente générale, théorique et pratique, t.
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The first treaty relating to state the method level is the slope B. CABANIÉ, carpenter, teacher related to Paris: Frames general, theoretical and practical, vol. 1 (right wood ) and 1848 t. 2 (crooked wood ), 1856. There will be another edition in 1864 (note wood) and 1868 (right wood).

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Il est bien regrettable de constater que depuis Nicolas Fourneau, auteur reellement remarquable par ses onvrages qu'il fil imprimer de 1767 & 1772, aucun author moderne, je ne sache, na technique  le trait de charpente an point de vue problems a resoudre tous sont restes dans ie meme cadre c'est-a-dire 
 dans trait classique.

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It is unfortunate to note that since Nicolas Fourneau (1767) : L'art du trait de charpenterie , à Rouen, chez Laurent Dumesnil, author actually remarkable for his over print it piece of work in 1767 & 1772, no author modern, I do not know, did the related structural technical viewpoint year to solve all problems are remains in same framework that is to say  in conventional feature

Mathurin Jousse (1627) : Théâtre de l'art de la charpenterie , La Flèche

I need to see if I can get either of these books by Nicolas Fourneau.

L'art du trait de charpenterie par le sieur Nicolas Fourneau, maitre charpentier à Rouen, ci-devant conducteur de charpente, et démonstrateur du trait à Paris (1767)

L'art du trait de charpenterie par Nicolas Fourneau, charpentier à Rouen, ancien professeur de l'art du trait à l'école des Ponts et Chaussées. Seconde partie (1825)

'   It's called the art of practical structural feature and the word art, there is something that joins the mind. This condition relates the practice framework is based on a center line and a line level, it symbolizes the earth, having feet on the ground. line axis, ie stand up straight. And the whole principle of the art of practical structural feature arises from these two axes. We will make drawdowns to have real variables, geometry is something that is unbeatable in terms of accuracy and reality. We are able to divide a circle into seven equal parts with a compass, what we could never do math with the numbers, there is always a little something behind the comma, not behind the compass. The line is used to enter full-scale with volumes and thicknesses of wood. It is not to like with descriptive geometry with simple lines, it will be to assemble pieces of wood which have a section, a length which must be appropriate to use that will have make   ". (Jean Louis Valentin, Charpentier Duty Companion of the Tour de France)

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